Rotating Nozzles

Efficient Jetting with the High-Pressure Equipement from KAMAT

Optimal Surface Cleaning with High-Pressure Rotating Nozzles from KAMAT3D drawing of rotating nozzle

In order to ensure a surface treatment with excellent results and within a reasonable time, we have developed special externally-driven rotating nozzles suitable for our high-pressure pumps: According to requirement of the customer, our nozzles can be driven pneumatically, electrically or hydraulically. In case of traditional, self-driven rotating nozzles, the water jet encounters an angle before its discharge from the nozzle and this sets the nozzle in rotation. Driving the rotating nozzle causes an energy loss of the water jet and hence is significantly less efficient.

Our externally driven rotary nozzles concentrate the hydraulic energy completely on the machining process.

KAMAT rotating nozzles enable coherent jets which are capable of being moved precisely and quickly even over large surfaces. In case of externally-driven rotation, the hydraulic energy is used completely on the surface being jetted, which enables excellent and efficient work results on surfaces.

The rotary nozzles are used in jetting, mainly in industrial cleaning, for paint stripping, deburring, roughening, but also for concrete renovation.

Furthermore, our pump accessories program offers a great number of further high-pressure nozzles, such as orbital nozzles, cone nozzles, fan nozzles and special pipe-cleaning nozzles.